Mary’s Lent Diary (Day 24)
The servant was paralysed and was in so much pain that his boss had decided to personally get help.

Mary’s Lent Diary (Day 23)
Some people almost seem to see Jesus as a good luck charm. I grumbled about this to a friend but, as she said, at least people were there.

Mary’s Lent Diary (Day 22)
I must say, from what I can gather, it seems that Jesus has chosen quite an odd bunch.

Mary’s Lent Diary (Day 21)
The Pharisees, especially, are looking for Jesus to do something wrong so that they can accuse him.

Mary’s Lent Diary (Day 20)
What on earth is Jesus doing, choosing a tax collector as one of his disciples?

Mary’s Lent Diary (Third Sunday of Lent)
My soul glorifies the Lord…

Mary’s Lent Diary (Day 18)
They were a bit later than most other people because they had stopped to pick up their friend on the way. I mean, literally pick up – their friend was paralysed.

Mary’s Lent Diary (Day 17)
Jesus has more power than the devil. Sometimes it is good to remind ourselves of that.

Mary’s Lent Diary (Day 16)
She had never been more surprised in her life than when Jesus had arrived at her house!

Mary’s Lent Diary (Day 15)
The man was yelling at Jesus, asking him what he wanted with them, and whether he had come to destroy them?

Mary’s Lent Diary (Day 14)
Simon did as Jesus asked. I think he was pretty doubtful about it, though.

Mary’s Lent Diary (Day 13)
Well, that was like a red rag to a bull! Everyone was suddenly furious – who did Jesus think he was?

Mary’s Lent Diary (Second Sunday of Lent)
Did you know that God is mindful of you?

Mary’s Lent Diary (Day 11)
I mean, I know he can do miracles, I’ve seen it myself, but heal someone?

Mary’s Lent Diary (Day 10)
I don’t think that will have done him any favours with the Pharisees…

Mary’s Lent Diary (Day 9)
Yes, you did read that correctly and I did double check that I’d heard it right!

Mary’s Lent Diary (Day 8)
‘Join the club’, I thought…

Mary’s Lent Diary (Day 7)
So much for not keeping tabs on Jesus – I could not have missed him if I’d wanted to!

Mary’s Lent Diary (Day 6)
Jesus – my son – had turned water into wine!

Mary’s Lent Diary (First Sunday in Lent)
My soul glorifies the Lord…..